This web site has been developed and maintained by Glen Lundeen. John Jamieson has provided thousands of scans and much information on prices and numbers of items in existence.

Numerous other people have provided assinstance with the project.
Erling Van Dam, Charles Firby, Yohann Tanguay, and Bill Longley
have supplied scans and data from their auctions and websites.
John Walsh has supplied scans and information on his Newfoundland collection.
Gary Steele has supplied scans from his Mufti collection.
Brian Hargreaves has provided scans and information on New Brunswick.

The web site is designed to replace and update the book written by Minuse and Pratt. The intention is that the project be never ending, in the sense that new material will always be discovered and a web site can be easily updated to reflect this new data.

Anyone interested in assisting with the project is urged to contact Glen.